LRPX32 Brushless DC Planetary Gear Motor
Low Noise RapidPower™ Xtreme Series

LRPX32 Brushless DC Planetary Gear Motor

Summary Details

Size: 32mm (1.25 in)
Peak Torque: to 8.0 Nm (1,133
Continuous Stall Torque: to 6.6 Nm (934.6
Speed: to 2489 RPM
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Exquisitely efficient small form factor BLDC motor that has peak operating efficiency at traditional RPM ranges, allowing custom integration with a planetary gearbox. High torque from a small form factor, with low power consumption and peak performance at lower RPM for quiet operation.

Traditional BLDC motors have peak performance at very high RPMs. These speeds are simply too high to make efficient use of a gearbox, and even when a traditional BLDC motor is paired with a custom high-rpm gearbox there are typically noise and heat issues that make it prohibitive for discerning applications.

The LRPX carefully integrates the unique RPX series motor with a custom planetary gearbox. The result is a small form factor BLDC motor that can produce high torque at low RPM and offer strong, smooth operation with low noise!

RPX Model Number Legend

Additional Product Details

LRPX32 Outline Drawing

LRPX32 BLDC Gearmotor Technical Drawings

LRPX32 Speed / Torque Curves

LRPX32 Speed Torque Performance - 1 Stage LRPX32 Speed Torque Performance - 2 Stage LRPX32 Speed Torque Performance - 3 Stage LRPX32 Speed Torque Performance - 4 Stage

LRPX32 Mechanical / Winding Data

Winding Specifications

Motor Only

Part Number Voltage Resistance Inductance Number
of Poles
Units Volts Ohms mH   N-m/A oz-in/A V-sec/rad V/kRPM Torque
RPM Current
RPM Current
LRPX32-90V12 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.012 1.69 0.012 1.25 0.09 6900 7.6 0.28 1600 23.5
LRPX32-90V24 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.024 3.37 0.024 2.50 0.09 6900 3.8 0.28 1600 11.8
LRPX32-90V48 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.048 6.74 0.048 5.00 0.09 6900 1.9 0.28 1600 5.9

One Stage Gearbox

Part Number Voltage Resistance Inductance Number
of Poles
Units Volts Ohms mH   N-m/A oz-in/A V-sec/rad V/kRPM Torque
RPM Current
RPM Current
LRPX32-90V12-___-_003 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.034 4.87 0.038 4.02 0.162 2322 5.40 0.81 498 23.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_003 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.069 9.75 0.077 8.04 0.162 2322 2.70 0.81 498 11.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_003 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.138 19.50 0.153 16.07 0.162 2322 1.35 0.81 498 5.9
LRPX32-90V12-___-_005 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.052 7.39 0.058 6.09 0.246 1531 5.40 1.23 328 23.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_005 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.104 14.79 0.116 12.19 0.246 1531 2.70 1.23 328 11.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_005 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.209 29.57 0.233 24.38 0.246 1531 1.35 1.23 328 5.9
LRPX32-90V12-___-_006 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.062 8.75 0.069 7.21 0.291 1293 5.40 1.45 277 23.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_006 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.124 17.50 0.138 14.42 0.291 1293 2.70 1.45 277 11.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_006 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.247 35.00 0.275 28.85 0.291 1293 1.35 1.45 277 5.9

Two Stage Gearbox

Part Number Voltage Resistance Inductance Number
of Poles
Units Volts Ohms mH   N-m/A oz-in/A V-sec/rad V/kRPM Torque
RPM Current
RPM Current
LRPX32-90V12-___-_010 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.100 14.10 0.123 12.91 0.47 722 5.40 2.34 155 23.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_010 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.199 28.21 0.247 25.83 0.47 722 2.70 2.34 155 11.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_010 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.398 56.41 0.493 51.66 0.47 722 1.35 2.34 155 5.9
LRPX32-90V12-___-_016 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.151 21.39 0.187 19.59 0.71 476 5.40 3.55 102 23.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_016 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.302 42.78 0.374 39.17 0.71 476 2.70 3.55 102 11.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_016 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.604 85.56 0.748 78.35 0.71 476 1.35 3.55 102 5.9
LRPX32-90V12-___-_019 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.179 25.31 0.221 23.18 0.84 402 5.40 4.20 86 23.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_019 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.357 50.62 0.443 46.36 0.84 402 2.70 4.20 86 11.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_019 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.715 101.25 0.885 92.72 0.84 402 1.35 4.20 86 5.9
LRPX32-90V12-___-_024 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.229 32.44 0.284 29.71 1.08 314 5.40 4.50 101 19.6
LRPX32-90V24-___-_024 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.458 64.88 0.567 59.41 1.08 314 2.70 4.50 101 9.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_024 48 3.68 2.3 8 0.916 129.76 1.135 118.83 1.08 314 1.35 4.50 101 4.9
LRPX32-90V12-___-_028 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.271 38.39 0.336 35.16 1.28 265 5.40 4.50 122 16.6
LRPX32-90V24-___-_028 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.542 76.78 0.671 70.31 1.28 265 2.70 4.50 122 8.3
LRPX32-90V48-___-_028 48 3.68 2.3 8 1.084 153.56 1.343 140.63 1.28 265 1.35 4.50 122 4.1
LRPX32-90V12-___-_033 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.321 45.43 0.397 41.61 1.51 224 5.40 4.50 129 14.0
LRPX32-90V24-___-_033 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.642 90.86 0.795 83.21 1.51 224 2.70 4.50 129 7.0
LRPX32-90V48-___-_033 48 3.68 2.3 8 1.283 181.73 1.589 166.42 1.51 224 1.35 4.50 129 3.5

Three Stage Gearbox

Part Number Voltage Resistance Inductance Number
of Poles
Units Volts Ohms mH   N-m/A oz-in/A V-sec/rad V/kRPM Torque
RPM Current
RPM Current
LRPX32-90V12-___-_050 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.437 61.88 0.601 62.96 2.06 148 5.4 8.0 57 18.6
LRPX32-90V24-___-_050 24 0.96 0.6 8 0.874 123.75 1.202 125.92 2.06 148 2.7 8.0 57 9.3
LRPX32-90V48-___-_050 48 3.68 2.3 8 1.748 247.50 2.405 251.83 2.06 148 1.35 8.0 57 4.6
LRPX32-90V12-___-_060 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.517 73.23 0.711 74.51 2.43 125 5.4 8.0 64 15.8
LRPX32-90V24-___-_060 24 0.96 0.6 8 1.034 146.45 1.423 149.01 2.43 125 2.7 8.0 64 7.9
LRPX32-90V48-___-_060 48 3.68 2.3 8 2.068 292.90 2.846 298.03 2.43 125 1.35 8.0 64 4.0
LRPX32-90V12-___-_076 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.663 93.84 0.912 95.49 3.12 98 5.4 8.0 65 12.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_076 24 0.96 0.6 8 1.325 187.69 1.824 190.97 3.12 98 2.7 8.0 65 6.3
LRPX32-90V48-___-_076 48 3.68 2.3 8 2.651 375.38 3.647 381.95 3.12 98 1.35 8.0 65 3.1
LRPX32-90V12-___-_090 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.784 111.06 1.079 113.00 3.69 83 5.4 8.0 62 10.7
LRPX32-90V24-___-_090 24 0.96 0.6 8 1.568 222.12 2.158 226.00 3.69 83 2.7 8.0 62 5.4
LRPX32-90V48-___-_090 48 3.68 2.3 8 3.137 444.23 4.316 452.01 3.69 83 1.35 8.0 62 2.7
LRPX32-90V12-___-_107 12 0.22 0.15 8 0.928 131.43 1.277 133.73 4.37 70 5.4 8.0 57 9.2
LRPX32-90V24-___-_107 24 0.96 0.6 8 1.856 262.86 2.554 267.46 4.37 70 2.7 8.0 57 4.6
LRPX32-90V48-___-_107 48 3.68 2.3 8 3.712 525.72 5.108 534.92 4.37 70 1.35 8.0 57 2.3
LRPX32-90V12-___-_116 12 0.22 0.15 8 1.005 142.33 1.383 144.82 4.73 64 5.4 8.0 55 8.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_116 24 0.96 0.6 8 2.010 284.66 2.766 289.64 4.73 64 2.7 8.0 55 4.3
LRPX32-90V48-___-_116 48 3.68 2.3 8 4.020 569.32 5.532 579.29 4.73 64 1.35 8.0 55 2.1
LRPX32-90V12-___-_137 12 0.22 0.15 8 1.189 168.44 1.637 171.39 5.60 54 5.4 8.0 49 7.4
LRPX32-90V24-___-_137 24 0.96 0.6 8 2.379 336.88 3.273 342.77 5.60 54 2.7 8.0 49 3.7
LRPX32-90V48-___-_137 48 3.68 2.3 8 4.758 673.75 6.546 685.55 5.60 54 1.35 8.0 49 1.8
LRPX32-90V12-___-_162 12 0.22 0.15 8 1.408 199.34 1.937 202.82 6.60 46 5.4 8.0 44 6.4
LRPX32-90V24-___-_162 24 0.96 0.6 8 2.815 398.67 3.874 405.65 6.60 46 2.7 8.0 44 3.2
LRPX32-90V48-___-_162 48 3.68 2.3 8 5.630 797.34 7.747 811.30 6.60 46 1.35 8.0 44 1.6
LRPX32-90V12-___-_192 12 0.22 0.15 8 1.666 235.90 2.292 240.03 6.60 40 4.6 8.0 39 5.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_192 24 0.96 0.6 8 3.332 471.80 4.584 480.06 6.60 40 2.3 8.0 39 2.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_192 48 3.68 2.3 8 6.663 943.60 9.168 960.12 6.60 40 1.15 8.0 39 1.4

Four Stage Gearbox

Part Number Voltage Resistance Inductance Number
of Poles
Units Volts Ohms mH   N-m/A oz-in/A V-sec/rad V/kRPM Torque
RPM Current
RPM Current
LRPX32-90V12-___-_246 12 0.22 0.15 8 1.917 271.48 2.931 306.92 6.60 33 4.19 8.0 30 4.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_246 24 0.96 0.6 8 3.834 542.96 5.862 613.84 6.60 33 2.09 8.0 30 2.2
LRPX32-90V48-___-_246 48 3.68 2.3 8 7.668 1085.91 11.724 1227.69 6.60 33 1.05 8.0 30 1.1
LRPX32-90V12-___-_291 12 0.22 0.15 8 2.269 321.28 3.469 363.22 6.60 28 3.93 8.0 26 3.9
LRPX32-90V24-___-_291 24 0.96 0.6 8 4.537 642.55 6.937 726.44 6.60 28 1.96 8.0 26 2.0
LRPX32-90V48-___-_291 48 3.68 2.3 8 9.075 1285.10 13.874 1452.89 6.60 28 0.98 8.0 26 1.0
LRPX32-90V12-___-_344 12 0.22 0.15 8 2.685 380.21 4.105 429.85 6.60 23 3.45 8.0 22 3.5
LRPX32-90V24-___-_344 24 0.96 0.6 8 5.370 760.41 8.209 859.70 6.60 23 1.73 8.0 22 1.7
LRPX32-90V48-___-_344 48 3.68 2.3 8 10.739 1520.83 16.419 1719.39 6.60 23 0.86 8.0 22 0.9
LRPX32-90V12-___-_372 12 0.22 0.15 8 2.908 411.74 4.445 465.50 6.60 21 3.25 8.0 20 3.3
LRPX32-90V24-___-_372 24 0.96 0.6 8 5.815 823.48 8.890 931.00 6.60 21 1.63 8.0 20 1.6
LRPX32-90V48-___-_372 48 3.68 2.3 8 11.630 1646.96 17.781 1861.99 6.60 21 0.81 8.0 20 0.8
LRPX32-90V12-___-_441 12 0.22 0.15 8 3.441 487.27 5.261 550.89 6.60 18 2.88 8.0 17 2.9
LRPX32-90V24-___-_441 24 0.96 0.6 8 6.882 974.54 10.521 1101.77 6.60 18 1.44 8.0 17 1.4
LRPX32-90V48-___-_441 48 3.68 2.3 8 13.763 1949.07 21.042 2203.54 6.60 18 0.72 8.0 17 0.7
LRPX32-90V12-___-_522 12 0.22 0.15 8 4.072 576.65 6.226 651.94 6.60 15 2.57 8.0 14 2.6
LRPX32-90V24-___-_522 24 0.96 0.6 8 8.144 1153.30 12.451 1303.87 6.60 15 1.28 8.0 14 1.3
LRPX32-90V48-___-_522 48 3.68 2.3 8 16.288 2306.59 24.902 2607.74 6.60 15 0.64 8.0 14 0.6
LRPX32-90V12-___-_565 12 0.22 0.15 8 4.410 624.47 6.742 706.01 6.60 14 2.44 8.0 13 2.4
LRPX32-90V24-___-_565 24 0.96 0.6 8 8.820 1248.95 13.484 1412.01 6.60 14 1.22 8.0 13 1.2
LRPX32-90V48-___-_565 48 3.68 2.3 8 17.639 2497.90 26.967 2824.02 6.60 14 0.61 8.0 13 0.6
LRPX32-90V12-___-_617 12 0.22 0.15 8 4.819 682.42 7.367 771.52 6.60 13 2.30 8.0 12 2.3
LRPX32-90V24-___-_617 24 0.96 0.6 8 9.638 1364.85 14.735 1543.04 6.60 13 1.15 8.0 12 1.2
LRPX32-90V48-___-_617 48 3.68 2.3 8 19.276 2729.69 29.470 3086.09 6.60 13 0.58 8.0 12 0.6
LRPX32-90V12-___-_668 12 0.22 0.15 8 5.219 739.02 7.979 835.51 6.60 12 2.19 8.0 11 2.2
LRPX32-90V24-___-_668 24 0.96 0.6 8 10.437 1478.04 15.957 1671.02 6.60 12 1.10 8.0 11 1.1
LRPX32-90V48-___-_668 48 3.68 2.3 8 20.875 2956.09 31.914 3342.04 6.60 12 0.55 8.0 11 0.5
LRPX32-90V12-___-_791 12 0.22 0.15 8 6.176 874.58 9.442 988.77 6.60 10 1.99 8.0 9 2.0
LRPX32-90V24-___-_791 24 0.96 0.6 8 12.352 1749.17 18.884 1977.54 6.60 10 0.99 8.0 9 1.0
LRPX32-90V48-___-_791 48 3.68 2.3 8 24.704 3498.33 37.768 3955.08 6.60 10 0.50 8.0 9 0.5
LRPX32-90V12-___-_936 12 0.22 0.15 8 7.309 1035.01 11.174 1170.14 6.60 9 1.81 8.0 8 1.8
LRPX32-90V24-___-_936 24 0.96 0.6 8 14.618 2070.02 22.348 2340.28 6.60 9 0.91 8.0 8 0.9
LRPX32-90V48-___-_936 48 3.68 2.3 8 29.235 4140.04 44.696 4680.57 6.60 9 0.45 8.0 8 0.5
LRPX32-90V12-___-_999 12 0.22 0.15 8 8.649 1224.86 13.224 1384.78 6.60 7 1.66 8.0 7 1.7
LRPX32-90V24-___-_999 24 0.96 0.6 8 17.299 2449.73 26.447 2769.57 6.60 7 0.83 8.0 7 0.8
LRPX32-90V48-___-_999 48 3.68 2.3 8 34.598 4899.45 52.895 5539.13 6.60 7 0.42 8.0 7 0.4

General Specifications

Part Number Ratio
Backlash (avg)
Length (Motor +
Gearhead) (mm)
Range (°C)

One Stage Gearbox

LRPX32-90V__-___-_003 3.21 45 / 14 0.7 84.6 283 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_005 4.88 39 / 8 0.8 84.6 283 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_006 5.77 75 / 13 0.9 84.6 283 -40 °C to +100 °C 

Two Stage Gearbox

LRPX32-90V__-___-_010 10.33 2025 / 196 0.9 91.3 310 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_016 15.67 1755 / 112 0.9 91.3 310 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_019 18.54 3375 / 182 0.9 91.3 310 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_024 23.77 1521 / 64 1.0 91.3 310 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_028 28.13 225 / 8 1.0 91.3 310 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_033 33.28 5625 / 169 1.0 91.3 310 -40 °C to +100 °C 

Three Stage Gearbox

LRPX32-90V__-___-_050 50.37 78975 / 1568 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_060 59.61 151875 / 2548 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_076 76.39 68445 / 896 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_090 90.40 10125 / 112 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_107 106.98 253125 / 2366 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_116 115.86 59319 / 512 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_137 137.11 8775 / 64 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_162 162.26 16875 / 104 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_192 192.02 421875 / 2197 1.0 97.7 337 -40 °C to +100 °C 

Four Stage Gearbox

LRPX32-90V__-___-_246 245.54 3080025 / 12544 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_291 290.58 455625 / 1568 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_344 343.88 11390625 / 33124 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_372 372.40 2669355 / 7168 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_441 440.71 394875 / 896 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_522 521.55 759375 / 1456 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_565 564.80 2313441 / 4096 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_617 617.22 18984375 / 30758 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_668 668.41 342225 / 512 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_791 791.02 50625 / 64 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_936 936.11 1265625 / 1352 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 
LRPX32-90V__-___-_999 1107.83 31640625 / 28561 1.0 104.1 364 -40 °C to +100 °C 

LRPX32 Connection

hall diagram


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The Americas - View Cart

Part Number Description Add to Cart
LRPX32-090V24-110-S006 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 6:1 ratio, 1.45 Nm peak torque, 0.26 Nm continuous torque at 1386RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder Buy Now
LRPX32-090V24-110-S010 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 10:1 ratio, 2.34 Nm peak torque, 0.42 Nm continuous torque at 774RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder Buy Now
LRPX32-090V24-110-S019 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 19:1 ratio, 4.21 Nm peak torque, 0.76 Nm continuous torque at 431RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder Buy Now
LRPX32-090V24-110-S033 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 2-stage planetary gear box, 33:1 ratio, 4.5 Nm peak torque, 1.36 Nm continuous torque at 240RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder Buy Now
LRPX32-090V24-110-S060 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 60:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 2.19 Nm continuous torque at 134RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder Buy Now
LRPX32-090V24-110-S192 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 192:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 6.6 Nm continuous torque at 42RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder Buy Now
LRPX32-090V24-110-S137 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 137:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 5.03 Nm continuous torque at 58RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder Contact Sales

Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Part Number Description Typical Lead Time
LRPX32-090V24-110-S006 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 6:1 ratio, 1.45 Nm peak torque, 0.26 Nm continuous torque at 1386RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S010 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 10:1 ratio, 2.34 Nm peak torque, 0.42 Nm continuous torque at 774RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S019 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 19:1 ratio, 4.21 Nm peak torque, 0.76 Nm continuous torque at 431RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S033 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 2-stage planetary gear box, 33:1 ratio, 4.5 Nm peak torque, 1.36 Nm continuous torque at 240RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S060 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 60:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 2.19 Nm continuous torque at 134RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S192 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 192:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 6.6 Nm continuous torque at 42RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S137 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 137:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 5.03 Nm continuous torque at 58RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days


Part Number Description Typical Lead Time
LRPX32-090V24-110-S006 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 6:1 ratio, 1.45 Nm peak torque, 0.26 Nm continuous torque at 1386RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S010 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 10:1 ratio, 2.34 Nm peak torque, 0.42 Nm continuous torque at 774RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S019 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, single-stage planetary gear box, 19:1 ratio, 4.21 Nm peak torque, 0.76 Nm continuous torque at 431RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S033 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 2-stage planetary gear box, 33:1 ratio, 4.5 Nm peak torque, 1.36 Nm continuous torque at 240RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S060 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 60:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 2.19 Nm continuous torque at 134RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days
LRPX32-090V24-110-S192 32mm Brushless DC Gear Motor, 24VDC, 3-stage planetary gear box, 192:1 ratio, 8.0 Nm peak torque, 6.6 Nm continuous torque at 42RPM, halls sensors + 2048 line differential encoder 2 days