PS56 Stepper Actuator IMDC
PRO Series

Summary Details

Size:56mm or Nema 23, 1.8°
Holding Torque: to 106 Ncm (130 oz-in)
Speed: to 50 RPS (3000 RPM)

Compact. Programmable.
ElectroCraft's integrated motor/drive stepper linear actuators are a leap forward in actuator technology. This is linear motion in its most compact form, enabling users to reduce installation costs and machine footprint by installing simpler control and cabling architectures. The PRO Series integrated linear actuator makes the PS56 highly configurable, incorporating the full range of sequence control, I/O and communications options. The PS56 is available with a range of 3/8 inch standard threads, providing resolutions of up to .00025 in (.00635 mm) in full step open-loop mode with a 200 PPR stepper motor with even higher resolutions available in micro-stepping and closed-loop position control mode. Other thread options are available on request. Versions with ballscrews and special material parts are available for custom application-specific designs.

PDF Brochure: Integrated Motor Drive Controller

Additional Product Details

PS56 Technical Drawings

PS56 Performance Data

PS56 Stack Size Models
Model Numbers PS56-A64 PS56-A106
Holding Torque
90 130
Holding Torque
63.55 91.79
2.80 3.24
71.12 82.30
Rotor Inertia
0.0022 0.0037
Rotor Inertia
0.1554 0.2613
Phase Resistance
0.6 0.8
Phase Inductance
2.0 3.5
24.0 31.4
0.7 0.9

Power Inputs
Motor Supply Voltage (VDC) 12-48
Logic Supply Voltage (VDC) 9-36
Control Inputs
AUX Analog Input (x1) 12-BIT, 0 - 5V
Digital inputs (x5)
Enable, 2 Limit Switches, Plus 2 General Purpose
5 - 36V, NPN
Control Outputs
Digital outputs (x2)
Status, Plus 1 General Purpose
5 - 36V, 0.5A, NPN open Collector
Operation Modes
Operation Mode Single axis motion controller,
Intelligent slave executing I/O triggered motion sequences,
Multi-axis, distributed motion solution,
Intelligent slave executing network (RS232 or CAN) triggered motion sequences
Serial RS232
CAN CAN-bus 2.0
Operating Temperature (°C) 0 - +40
Storage Temperature (°C) -40 - +80
Humidity Range Not Condensing (% Rh) 90
Hardware protections Short circuit - Phase to GND
Short circuit - Phase to Phase
Regulatory Compliance
CE IEC60529
UL UL508

PS56 Speed Curves

PS56 Accessories

Evaluation Kit
Model Number Description
2000710 PT42-A55V48A-0-X-CAN Open-loop Stepper
2000711 PT42-A55V48A-0-D-CAN Closed-loop Stepper
2000752 PT56-A106V48A-0-X-CAN Open-loop Stepper
2000753 PT56-A106V48A-0-D-CAN Closed-loop Stepper
2000712 PR42-A16V48A-0-D-CAN Closed-loop Brushless
2000713 PR42-A32V48A-0-D-CAN Closed-loop Brushless
2000754 PR60-A25V48A-0-D-CAN Closed-loop Brushless
2000755 PR60-A52V48A-0-D-CAN Closed-loop Brushless
2000714 PS42-A44V48A-0B4-X-CAN Open-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator
2000715 PS42-A44V48A-0B4-D-CAN Open-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator
2000756 PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-X-CAN Open-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator
2000757 PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-D-CAN Closed-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator
Mating Cables (3 meters)
Model Number Description
1001359 PRO Series IMD Interface Cable Kit
1001360 PRO Series IMD Power & I/O Cable Kit
Miscellaneous Accessories
Model Number Description
2000685 CompletePower Braking Module With External Bus Capacitance (13W, 4.7 Ohm)

PS56 User Manuals

Model Number User Manual
PS56-A64Download PDF (Drive User Manual)
PS56-A106Download PDF (Drive User Manual)

ElectroCraft Rapid Delivery Program

Some versions of this product are available via ElectroCraft's Rapid Delivery Program. Lead times for these products are given in working days and stated below. Please note, these lead times may be exceeded during holiday periods or due to unforeseen circumstances. Always contact your local ElectroCraft representative for confirmation of availability.

Rapid delivery products are stocked in locations all over the World. If the product you require is not stocked in your region, you may request accelerated delivery from other areas. Please consult your local representative for more information.

Customers are responsible for all freight charges.

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The Americas - View Cart

Part Number Description Add to Cart
PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-X-CAN NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, no encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead Contact Sales
PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-D-CAN NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, 1000 line differential encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead Contact Sales
2000756 2000756: PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-X-CAN Open-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator Contact Sales
2000756 2000756: PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-X-CAN Open-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator Contact Sales
2000757 2000757: PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-D-CAN Closed-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator Contact Sales
2000757 2000757: PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-D-CAN Closed-loop Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator Contact Sales
PRO-SERIES IMDC EVAL KIT (PS56-A106V48A0SB7-D-CAN) Eval Kit - NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, 1000 line differential encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead Contact Sales
PRO-SERIES IMDC EVAL KIT (PS56-A106V48A0SB7-X-CAN) Eval Kit - NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, no encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead Contact Sales

Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Part Number Description Typical Lead Time
No products available


Part Number Description Typical Lead Time
PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-X-CAN NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, no encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead 2 days
PS56-A106V48A-0SB7-D-CAN NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, 1000 line differential encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead 2 days
PRO-SERIES IMDC EVAL KIT (PS56-A106V48A0SB7-D-CAN) Eval Kit - NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, 1000 line differential encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead 2 days
PRO-SERIES IMDC EVAL KIT (PS56-A106V48A0SB7-X-CAN) Eval Kit - NEMA 23 Stepper-based Linear Actuator, Integrated Motor Drive Controller - 130 oz-in holdng torque, integrated PRO-Series programmable drive, no encoder, 3/8"-10 ACME (1-start), 0.1000" lead 2 days