Programmable PRO-Series™ Drives
Available from ElectroCraft
Available in Enclosed, PCB Mount or Integrated Motor/Drive/Controller configurations.
ElectroCraft's PRO-Series products integrate motor control functions and motion control functionality in a compact package with three formats: stand-alone, PC board mounted, and as a fully integrated motor/drive/controller. Each operates as a single-axis motion controller or an intelligent slave. I/O based motion sequencing, RS232, CAN bus and EtherCAT are commonly used to interface the PRO-Series with the rest of the system. Configuration, tuning and programming of the PRO-Series are easy with ElectroCraft's powerful graphical user interface.

The PRO-Series Drives are very programmable. ElectroCraft understands the learning curve associated with any new technology. To maximize your time, ElectroCraft offers an PRO-Series evaluation kit which includes a motor, drive, I/O Board and other components required for you to completely simulate and evaluate the PRO-Series capability for your application. Please provide your information in the contact form below, or call one of our Sales engineers today!
Getting Started Guide

The Evaluation Kit
The PRO-Series evaluation kit contains everything you need to get started with the development of your motion application. Included in the kit are:
- The Motion-PRO developer software used to develop your motion application
- A PRO-Series drive/controller (according to your selection)
- A Quick-Start board that make interfacing with the PRO-Series drive as easy as plugging things in, pressing buttons and looks at lights
- A brushless motor and a stepper motor so that you can evaluate the proper motor solution for your application
- A power supply with universal wall adaptors to work in any outlet around the world
- The cables and connectors you will need to interface to the Quick-Start board
(844) 338-8114