Articles and Whitepapers

Whitepapers and application guides, articles and faqs on ElectroCraft motor and motion products.

ElectroCraft’s MPW Wheel Drives Offer Best-in-Class Mobile Robot Solutions arrow
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are key elements in optimizing the efficiency and profitability of an automated warehouse. Minimizing the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the AGV or AMR is a must, and this depends heavily on the design of its drivetrain. If the OEM uses well-designed, proven components, the mobile platform will provide many years of service, handling cumbersome, heavy loads efficiently with minimal downtime for maintenance.
Product preview: ElectroCraft introduces RPE brushless DC servo motors arrow
The ElectroCraft RapidPower Enhanced series (RPE series) is an innovative, new brushless DC (BLDC) motor design that combines performance, flexibility and affordability, offering original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) the perfect platform for a wide range of motion applications. This level of configurability for BLDCs enables the RPE series to be quickly acquired and adapted into an application, shortening the design cycle for a faster time-to-market.
Technology Advancements Continue To Transform Mobility Markets arrow
ElectroCraft Continues to pioneer motor and drive solutions for medical and robotic mobility markets. The integrated mobility platform continues to evolve with custom mobility motor manufacturers developing the next generation of mobile power platforms that can tackle the mobility and industrial motion applications of today and tomorrow.
5 Tips for Implementing an Integrated Stepper Linear Actuator System arrow
Stepper motors are commonly used to translate motion from rotary to linear. Selecting the right combination of electrical and mechanical components is complicated by the various options for precision positioning systems. This brief will review key criteria for successful stepper linear actuator specification and highlight the benefits of correct actuator and application pairings.
Integrated Wheel Drives Lower Cost of Mobile Robot Ownership arrow
ElectroCraft's MobilePower™ MPW series integrated wheel drives benefit from the company's decades of mobile power design expertise. The product offers OEMs a compact, high-torque density electric wheel drive that solves drivetrain design challenges and cuts the lifetime running costs of mobile robots.
DC Motor Drives Feature Easy Setup and Operation arrow
ElectroCraft CompletePower™ PRO Series Drives and CompletePower™ Plus Universal Drives take the guesswork out of selecting and configuring a drive and motor combination by incorporating all of the features and functions necessary to provide optimal control of a wide variety of brushless DC motors, permanent magnet DC motors and stepper motors.
Case Study: Reducing Emissions and Improving Efficiency with ElectroCraft Motion Solutions arrow
In order to more efficiently utilize energy and reduce emissions in the oil & gas extraction process, our customer required an electric motor and drive solution for a glycol circulation pump that was currently being powered by a methane fueled combustion engine.
High-Performance, Small-Frame BLDC Motors arrow
Torque density and speed requirements of a motion control system are often at odds with space constraints. In new system designs, the trend toward miniaturization continues to reduce size, weight and, ultimately, cost. This trend is also driving the need for highly efficient brushless DC (BLDC) motor solutions that can fulfill performance requirements in a much smaller frame size.
Selecting a Brushless DC Motor or Gearmotor in 6 Steps arrow
Learn how to make the best choice of motor or gearmotor for your application requirements. The factors in selecting the appropriate motor or gearmotor for your application may look simple at the outset but can get complex fairly quickly. By focusing on these six tips in order, engineers will find an easy path to their next motion control solution.
The Evolution of Mobile Platform Traction Systems arrow
The evolution of DC motor and gear motor technology has opened the doors to lightweight, battery-efficient solutions for mobile platform traction systems. From medical mobility to industrial robotics and warehouse automation, mobile platform traction systems have become more affordable, manageable and efficient in large part due to the advancements of motors and integrated gearbox technology.
How Technology Advancements are Transforming the Mobility Market arrow
Technology advancements in motors, gearboxes, and battery life are expanding the design engineer's options when it comes to applications for mobile power platforms. Medical and industrial robotics, AGVs, all-terrain machines, and high-performance sports chairs are just some of the new markets that mobile power platforms are defining today, thanks to the wide range of integrated motor/gearbox combinations and recent technology advancements that provide powerfully responsive, efficient, and reliable operations. What new application area for mobile power platforms will your design team pioneer next?
“How Technology Advancements are Transforming the Mobility Market” is essential reading when considering a mobile power platform for your next application.
Application Guide for High-Performance Brushless Servo Systems arrow
This updated handbook is a helpful guide outlining the design considerations, calculations and application of brushless servo sytems, including helpful engineering formulas and conversion tables.
The Difference Between a Traditional BLDC/Gearbox Combination and the ElectroCraft LRPX with Integrated Planetary Gearbox arrow
Recently introduced designs, like those in ElectroCraft's LRPX series, combine specially-designed BLDCs with gearboxes for a streamlined gearmotor design. The integrated design minimizes the number of components for a smaller footprint, greater accuracy, and better dynamic response.
Read on to learn more about the difference between traditional BLDC motor options and integrated BLDC gearmotors.
Closed-loop Stepper System Design FAQs arrow
Manufacturers apply the term "closed-loop stepper" to a wide array of controls. Here, we'll spell out how the three most common closed-loop stepper control schemes work and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.